
The Pursuit of Shifting

Alchemy is an old tradition, almost lost in the present day. Well, if it is not lost, then it's not highly regarded, or as widely practiced as it once was. Alchemical tradition has been replaced by our modern science for the most part. Does this mean magic is gone from the world? Hardly. It merely means there are new methods to achieve ones goals.

Was alchemy ever truly a tradition fully embracing the full probabilities espoused by myth? Immortality seems to have been the ultimate goal for those truly serious practitioners. Transformation was the process. However, the process was a multi-faceted one. So many paths, so many possibilities. So many steps on such a long path. Transformation of lesser things, led to the transformation of greater things. Once one had mastery over base materials, one could attain mastery over all. One could transcend the physical constraints of our material world, and in effect, become immortal. At least in theory. Perhaps the true aim is transcendece of our physical shell, and spiritual everlasting life. Whether it is transmutation of the physical stuff of our making, or the spiritual essence which makes us what we are, one would be outside the constraints of our material world.

The search for gold seems to have preempted the true search for immortality. Short term goals are so tempting when the path is hard. Transmutation of base metals gave temporal power useful to one who kept to the places of power which allowed quick study in these arts. Capitols, universities, monastaries. Gold, or the promise of gold, distracts. Like so many flies to carrion, will sycophants gather around one who reeks of power, be it real or imagined. This kind of power can be very tempting. Why go on the search for immortality when eveyone attends to your every whim? The search for immortality would, in my mind, preclude the need for inclusion in mortal society, and participation in realms which require the possesion or manufacture of temporal wealth.

I realize that i have greatly oversimplified the great art that was and is alchemy. This was done to illustrate a point. No spiritual path is ever so simple as this or that, yet, at their heart, they are all extremely simple. It is easy to see how quickly one can corrupt the view of an art, when it's adherents become sidetracked. At heart here, is the view of the path we take.

The search for the here and now, instead of the later. To strive for power in the present, instead of power down the road. These kind of choices are hard to make. Patience is a difficult commodity to hold onto. Do i settle for what i can grab now, or wait till later, for the promise of greater reward, with full knowledge that i may never achieve that later goal? I see the search for gold, as well as physical shifting as being the easy task at hand. Immortality as being the more difficult. Yes, i do say that physical shifting is easy, in this context. As such, i think this is why so many "shifters" and "weres" so eagerly fall into the search for physical shifting above all else. This is for a variety of reasons, as i see it. Power and escape the strongest.

Physical shifting is a powerful draw. The promise of physical, and possibly magical/spiritual power is enought to draw many adherents. Even being on the search for the ability to p-shift is enought to give one increased clout in some circles. This power, be it real or implied, is a dangerous thing. Everyone likes to be the center of attention. On the other hand, the promise of release from our current situation is a draw as well. The ability to leave it all behind, for something supposedly better, is almost as dangerous a motive as is the lure of power.

The analogy with alchemy is almost scary. Gold and p-shifting seem to go hand in hand, as examples of how a greater path can be side-tracked in the search for "lesser" results. Lesser i say, not that these pursuits do not have merit, in fact they do. But to regard them as the ultimate goal is folly. But, of course, who would admit that the pursuit of p-shifting is their only goal when presented with the greater task possible? Of course, who would admit that their goals are power, to become a cult of personality, once they have tasted this drop of potential? Some in fact do settle themselves for the lure of power offered by the ability to leave this shape behind. Some do admit that they are tired of this life, and desire a "simpler" life they percieve in becoming a animal in body.

But, such paths that people walk are their own business. I realize this. It is a shame however, when their path is perceived as the "true" path. Just as alchemy became the route of one on the search to transmute base metals into gold, so has our path, whetever it may be, become the path of the pursuit of physical shifing. I guess the question comes down to, what is our path? Do we settle for Physical shifting? Should alchemy settle for turning lead into gold? Should Tai Chi settle for teaching people to kick ass? All these i see are pursuits that actually hold back those seekers, from the potential that each of these paths has to offer.