November 1995
"2nd Harvest Howl"

   November 1995
"2nd Harvest Howl"


Pictures courtesy of Greywolf.

Names are left to right in the photos.

  1. Picture 1 Crystal, Redwolf, Belgarion, Osoloco, Reemul, Trafalgar, Wolfsong, Byl, Lanmaru

  2. Picture 2 Blackpaws, Trafalgar, Osoloco, WingedWolf, Whisper, WolfSong, Redcoat, Reemul, Belgarion, Redwolf

  3. Picture 3 Torrle(?), Crystal, Reemul

  4. Picture 4 Blackpaws, Reemul

  5. Picture 5 Techwolf(?), Crystal, smash, Moonshadow

  6. Picture 6 Trafalgar, Osoloco, WingedWolf, Hiker(?), Whisper, Torrle(?)

  7. Picture 7 Osoloco, Trafalgar, Whisper, KatmanDu

  8. Picture 8 Blackpaws, Trafalgar, Osoloco, WingedWolf

  9. Picture 9 Werepile (nuff said)

  10. Picture 10 WingedWolf, Blackpaws, DECwolf, Reemul, Moonshadow, Osoloco, Whisper, Wolfsong

  11. Picture 11 Firejumping: Belgarion(?), ?, Trafalgar(jumping), Simba, Reemul, Blackpaws

  12. Picture 12 Firejumping: Blackpaws, Reemul, Osoloco, Whisper, Wolfsong, Redcoat, Simba(jumping), Techwolf, Moonshadow

  13. Picture 13 Firewalking: ?, Reemul, Wingedwolf, Techwolf

  14. Picture 14 By the Fire

  15. Picture 15 KatmanDu, smash, Firewolf, Techwolf, Wizwolf, Belgarion(?)

  16. Picture 16 KatmanDu, smash, Firewolf

  17. Picture 17 Techwolf, KatmanDu, Crystal, Firewolf, Hiker

  18. Picture 18 Preparing the Chili

The following pics courtesy of Moonshadow.

  1. Picture 19 Reemul

  2. Picture 20 Reemul's shirt...

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